Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Ribbon

A ribbon running through
The sky with the breeze
With clouds going along
As the day begins

A misty dew
Falling softly to the ground
Like mountains high
Below the valley

As she sits and dreams
Wishing you would hold her
Kiss her lips
Whisper to her I love you

But you do not show up
She is hurt and in pain
Her heart is crying
Like rain from Heaven

Her soul is lost
Without you by her side
She longs for you
Her passion runs wild

The desire for you
Burns deep down inside
A ribbon running through the sky
Playing with the clouds

She longs for you
To take the ribbon
From her hair
Set it free

She wants you to love her
Make her your own
To gaze at her with a smile
Just a ribbon of your love

I Can Fly With You

I can fly with you
When you need to get away
Can sing to you
When your sad and lonely

Fly with you
To places unknown
Carry you with me
No matter where I go

Hold you under my wing
Wrap you in my embrace
Wink at you
I can fly with you

Be by your side
Where ever you go
Build a nest for you
In a tree for two

I can fly with you
All over the world
Can hide you
If you want to be alone

My feathers are strong
They can protect you from
The storm
You can fly with me

When we fly through the sky
With snow all around
Not a thought will you have
Not even a worry

I can fly with you
To a fantasy land
Sprinkle you with
Fairy dust

Go to the castle on high
Watch the birds as they fly
Spread their wings
They will fly with you

My wings will tickle you
Make you laugh
You will be happy
Come fly with me

Blind Love

Before your eyes
Lies a blind love
That is true love
You can see it on the outside

Or wear a disguise
The attraction starts
As you meet
Right from the heart

Waiting in your soul
True love begins
It is in your heart
They call it blind love

If love is blind
I guess we all are
Because we all want love
Blind or not

Sent from above
Is a spiritual affinity
Your feelings and soul
You have to trust

To sense true love
Not seen or heard
We do not even know it is there
That is true love

With your eyes
You will not see it
But you will feel it
Blind love

Where you find blind love
There will be true love
We meet on a level with our soul
It can't be explained

The mind will play with you
People meet and they have feelings
Right from the start
You have chemistry

Not only attraction
You must have
Affinity from the spirit
You don't need pure lust

That is just sexual attraction
When you find both
True love will come to you
Desire and friendship

You will have
Not blind love
That does not heal
Love has it all