Friday, March 27, 2015

Stormy Night

On a stormy night
In the misty rain
Came a phantom of my dream
So handsome and filled me with delight

His spirit was wild and free
As bright as could be
Out in the night
Stormy night

He sent me thoughts
And whisper's in my ear
He was so close
I could feel his gaze

I had no secrets
No lies to tell
On that stormy night
My longing was great

I felt like a Princess
In a fairy tale
With shadows in the night
And thoughts of you

As you speak to me
From a star above
I see the moon glow
Stormy night

My Answer

Your so amazing
As I come on a butterfly wing
My exciting Prince
I give you my answer

As you sleep with your dreams
A kiss you feel like a whisper
Perfume is in the air
With soft whispers of love

I will leave you a memory
On your pillow this night
Of my love to you
I whisper my answer

Into The Distance

I honor you my love
With my heart and soul
As I come to you
With my visits at night

With images of you
All in my head
You are like a blur
Into the distance

In the evening breeze
My fingers are dancing
On your skin
As I please

I see your gaze
As I settle there with you
Tucked in your arms
Wrapped around you

I watch over you
As you sleep
I hold you in the night
As I smile with delight

Love: Beautiful

Love: Beautiful: ...
