Monday, June 30, 2014

As I Sit Alone

As I sit alone
In a house of stone
I wonder why me?
Is this all it is going to be

Sitting alone
With the breeze blowing in
Birds in flock
With the shadow on the wall

A peace comes over me
As I shiver and shake
What can I do?
But turn the other way

No moon out tonight
Stars no where in sight
Just lonely me
In a house of stone

A chill in the air
A past that will last
Memories of long ago
In the stillness of night

Thunder strikes
As a face I see
Looking at me
Sitting alone

While the rain pours down
The tears come too
I hear a whisper
I love you

But it can not be
You're not here with me
You're in a better place
As I sit alone

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