Monday, June 30, 2014

Hidden In My Heart

I confess to you my love
Finally I breathe
I come to you
On my knees

Our world is big
I hear your voice
Everything is clear
It is in my eyes

You're my one and only
Hidden in my heart
You are light
I feel the air

You're in my soul
We have a history
You're always my thoughts
My one true love

I expect you to come
One day soon
For us to have life
With no pain along the way

The sun is out
We have hope
We can awake
From our dream

That is my hope......

My admission to you
I expect your voice
So clear my dear
I am not far

The flame of fire
Is in our desire
Burning so deep
Now I can breathe

The air I feel
You are here
With your breath
Oh so sweet

You're my thought
My one desire
The only dream
I will ever have

No other will do
Just you alone
I expect you
And only you

I hear your sigh
Feel your tears
Your sweet caress
My one and only love

The air i breathe
Is for you alone
Let me hear your voice
I waited too long

Hidden in my heart
Is you
Just you.......
Forever my love

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