Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Memories I Made With You

Memories I made with you
Lay deep in my heart
I will never forget how we was
So loving and care free

When I first met you until now
I could not take my eyes off of you
You was my all from the start
The memories we made were from the heart

We loved one another so much
Never did we think it would end
I cannot forget you no matter what
Our memories will linger on

No matter where we are
Or what we do
We will always love one another
Our memories will last

The day you walk out the door
The painful memories I won't forget
But when I look back all I feel
Is the wonderful memories we made

The pain will always be there
Then again so will love
So even if you leave
I still have the good memories we made

Memories are wonderful  to make
Yet  sometimes painful to  remember
But I have to remember the pain
Because we made wonderful memories

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