Saturday, December 13, 2014

This Old House

This old house is alone
Dark and damp
Where there used to be sunshine
Now is gloom

There are a lot of rooms
Plenty of places to hide
But you hear nor see any children
Just the quiet

The walls whisper
In the deep night
Mirrors watch you
Everywhere you go

There used to be laughter
Now only tears
Someone died
Deep inside

This old house
Has been through storms
Hail and snow
Thunder and lightning

Yet came out strong
Has many memories
Of past and future
Just another home

Open the window
Let out the dust
Mop the floors
Let them shine

The spider on the wall
Has been here too long
A beautiful web
She has weaved

But this old house
Needs to let her go
It needs lots of work
People to come and go

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